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What if the power consumption of the electric lubricating pump is too high

Time:2020-01-11  Browse times:

In the process of using the electric lubricating pump, the power consumption of the lubricating pump is often too large due to improper operation or some problems existing in the equipment itself. In this case, it will not only increase the operating cost of the equipment, but also may cause the low working efficiency. What should we do at this time?
(1) The rotation direction is wrong, check the rotation direction.
(2) The impeller is damaged. Check the impeller and replace it as required.
(3) The rotating parts bite to death, and check whether the clearance of internal wear parts is normal.
(4) Bending of shaft, straightening of shaft or replacement as required.
(5) If the speed is too high, check the winding voltage of the motor or the steam pressure delivered to the turbine.
(6) If the water head is lower than the rated value and too much liquid is pumped, consult the manufacturer, install throttle valve and cut impeller.
(7) The liquid is heavier than expected. Check the specific gravity and viscosity.
(8) The stuffing box does not have the correct stuffing (insufficient stuffing, incorrect stuffing or running, too tight stuffing), check the stuffing and refill the stuffing box.
(9) bearing lubrication is not correct or bearing wear, check and replace as required.
(10) The running clearance between wear-resistant rings is incorrect. Check whether the clearance is correct.  Replace the wear ring of pump casing and/or impeller as required.
In the future, we will encounter the problem of excessive power consumption of the electric lubricating pump. We can analyze the problem according to the above situations. If we find out what went wrong and prescribe the right medicine, we will be able to deal with the problem quickly.

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